The "New" Burkett Family Web Site
Reunion Announcement Kent Washington
Burkett(e) Family Reunion - Saturday August 9, 2003; Kent,
Descendants of Jeremiah and Hattie Burkett and their children William, Clarence,
Ernest, Myrtle, Carl and Walter will gather for a family reunion on Saturday,
August 9, 2003 at Morrill Gardens Park, 10600 S.E. 24th Street, Kent, Washington
at the picnic shelter at 11:00 am. Please mark your calendars and plan to bring
all family members. We are planning a potluck and will contact you again in
early summer to find out how many will attend and provide further details. maps,
etc. For those of you coming from out of town, we will also have information
about nearby lodging. If you should have an address change in the next few
months, please contact Roberta or Sue so we may correct our mailing list. If you
have any photographs or information of genealogy interest, please contact
Roberta. Recent research has identified Jeremiah and Hattie's ancestors and we
have linked Jeremiah to his Tennessee ancestry. We plan on having photographs
and historic memorabilia on display.
Hope to see you all there! - For Reunion Details Please Contact:
Roberta Burkett (Now Desc.) |
Sue Mack (after May 15th) |
Historian's Note - Jeremiah Burkett was a son of Andrew Burkett and Nancy Jane Derryberry Burkett and a grandson of Henry and Mary "Polly' Epley Burkett. Also you will note the (E) added on the end of Burkett (E) because some family members had their name changed and pronounce it as Bur KETTE instead of BUR kett.
Reunion Photos Kent Washington
The Gangs All Here!
Descendants of three descendant families of
Jeremiah Burkett and Hattie Skinner
The images
above are displayed as "Thumbnails".
To view a larger version, simply click on
the selected image.
Bill & Bernice Huckaby, John Huckaby and Leona Britt represented
the descendants of Jacob Lorenza Burkett at this reunion.
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